I am the Founding Chair (2003) of the Buenaventura Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. I was a member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the Los Angeles Tissue Engineering Initiative (LATEI) in 2003 and 2004, and moderated a session on “Bone and Cartilage” at the Second Annual Meeting of LATEI, at California Lutheran University.

I gave a number of presentations describing my experiences in Kuwait, to the CSUCI President’s Circle and to Department of Physics and Astronomy at CSU Northridge in 2003, and to both the Oxnard and Ventura Kiwanis Clubs in 2007. I also presented a pictorial essay on Women in Kuwait to the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Camarillo in 2008.

I have given presentations on our programs at local colleges and schools, and organized a successful series of seminars to celebrate the World Year of Physics. I gave an extended radio interview on our Applied Physics major and Medical Imaging emphasis on Bits, Bytes and Buzzwords on 1400KKZZ in July 2008. I hosted and helped organize the bi-annual meeting of the Southern California Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (SCAAPT) at CSUCI (2009).

I was a Partner in an NSF PFI proposal to increase Hispanic students in Engineering (with Ventura College).  I have helped organize 4-week summer STEM pipeline programs at CSUCI in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University. As a highlight of the summer experience, the students typically design, build and test a bridge built from spaghetti.

I founded Club Physics at Channel Islands, for students with an interest in Physics, and was the Faculty Advisor for the Club for many years. One year they built a trebuchet (a medieval siege engine used either to smash castle walls or throw projectiles over them) for launching watermelons! Other years they have built human-powered vehicles for the Ventura Kinetic Sculpture race. I have mentored several local high-school students, one of whom was recently accepted to UC Berkeley.

Club Physics members and activities
Club Physics – founding members and activities

I am keen to encourage and support student research and summer internship opportunities. The internships are typically done at local high-tech companies and provide a great opportunity to work in a professional setting, which is an invaluable learning experience. One of my students completed a 2-month summer institute program with Engineering World Health, which offers physics and engineering students an opportunity to improve the healthcare in underserved areas. She worked in a hospital in Tanzania installing refurbished medical equipment and training staff in its use, and repairing broken equipment. Another student constructed an air sampler to remotely monitor upper air quality, and carried it on a 1100 cu. ft. blimp.

EWH internship in Tanzania

I am the liaison faculty at CSUCI for the CSU Nuclear and Particle Physics Consortium (NUPAC). I have obtained funding since 2013 to support our students interning at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and have traveled with them to CERN, Geneva on several occasions. As well as presenting to their group at CERN they present a seminar to CSUCI students on their return, and present talks and posters at various venues (e.g. SAGE Student Research Conference, CSUCI; Annual CSU Student Research Competition; and  Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Student Research Poster Competition. We were recently mentioned in the Ventura Star.

CERN, Geneva
CERN, Geneva

I am an adviser in medical image enhancement (super-resolution) to a start-up company, Z square in Tel Aviv, Israel. I am a Consultant to InnerVision Medical Technologies Ltd., Canada on high-resolution ultrasound imaging and to NexGen Medical Systems Inc., Florida on arterial tortuosity, and was Consultant to the Malaysian Ministry of Health on the roles of medical imaging graduates and the future of medical radiation science programs.