I’ve put up a number of videos on my YouTube channel and am continuing to add to them. (If you visit them give them a like, write a nice comment, or subscribe …. or all three! 😂).

Escaping the Amulet

The Easy Introduction to String Theory

The Easy Way to Learn to Dance

Dancing in Surabaya

Dancing with a robot

Muscle man – before and after covid-19

Rolling Stones perform with robot dogs

The Easy Way to learn Digital Image Processing

The cover of my digital image processing book

1a Introduction and course structure

1b ImageJ

1c Basic image processing

1d Color images

1e Set scale, profile plot, histogram

1f Look Up Tables (LUTs)

1g Macros

2a Brightness and Contrast

2c Contrast Stretch

2c Signal-to-Noise Ratio

2d Entropy

3a Blurring and background subtraction

3b Digital Zoom

3c Zoom in ImageJ

3d Convolution

3e Convolution examples

4a The Fourier Domain

4b The Fourier Series

4c The Fourier Transform

4d FT in ImageJ

4e Fourier Filtering I

4f Fourier Filtering II

4g Aliasing I

4h Aliasing II